Home > Hi! Remember me?

Hi! Remember me?

April 7th, 2010 at 09:00 pm

I used to blog a little while ago but stopped because there were too many problems at my house. You can read it from my past blogs.

I guess the problems I was having this time were more serious (and I started having a lot of stresses and it results in me having a lot of skin and health problems). I had to escape the house a few times awhile ago because my grades were suffering from all the problems in my house. My parents were the ones causing the problems on my siblings and I because they were unhappy at their workplace. My mom would make sure that I hear about how everybody hates me near me with an aggressive voice while I was doing laundry. Sure everybody in your entourage hates me, you talk crap about me with them and they don't like me because of you. I recently learned how to cook and my dad will talk behind my back about how my food are disgusting. One time, he literally threw my food on the sink claiming that I don't listen to him and accusing me of wasting my food.

Now they stopped working and my mom would not let me cook. Reason? She needs the fridge to fill hers and I take so much space. (I only take 10% of the fridge). Oh and a good one, I make a mess in the kitchen. (I showed her that I can clean the kitchen after I'm done but she still accuses me.) I tried to be a good girl but she would find every little thing to destroy me. My dad will act so emotional (because we are growing up I understand and he wants everything to remain the same, it could if you stopped acting so emotional).

To concluded... It is all psychological problems. We try to talk with them about it but they would act offended and they would not change. I try to be nice with my mom only to be greeted by a shun. Now what can I do? I'm moving out to my aunt place... I can't be myself in this house and I couldn't for the past 20 years. I secretly took a course this semester to be able to breath a little and to learn about myself; it has helped me a lot and I've become a lot stronger. I'm building a future whether my parents like it or not and I alone will determine how I will lead my life. I will raise my future kids the way that they deserve to be and I don't want like my parents who are paranoid at everything that is different.

I'm going to continue to cook (It is difficult at the moment because of my mother) and I'm backpacking in about a month to Asia. I'll blog about it on my next blog.

For some people who already knew me, you know I like to share pictures with you guys. Here are some of the food I made over the past few months:

7 Responses to “Hi! Remember me? ”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome back! I'm sorry things have been so rough. I can tell you are strong and smart and have a great plan for moving forward. Take care.

  2. gamecock43 Says:

    I remember! The food looks good!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hello again!

  4. whitestripe Says:

    i remember you! welcome back Wink

  5. snafu Says:

    I've recently returned from Asia, where are you going? what will you do? Do you plan to work? Go to School? Backpack around? Rules, culture and security are all very important in Asia.

  6. IamTina Says:

    Thanks guys! I'm going backpacking around Asia, will talk on my next blog. ^_^

  7. bermuda thesis Says:

    Have you already stopped working on your blog? I find it informative and helpful! Thanks in advance!

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