Home > $100 tips in three days? Thank you lucky penny!

$100 tips in three days? Thank you lucky penny!

April 18th, 2010 at 09:13 pm

On Thursday, I saw a penny face up on the floor at a department store. I told myself that I'm going to need luck for my math test next Thursday.

Then, my boss called me to work on Friday. I was going to work with L (coworker) and Bobby (the boss assistant), I thought the assistant will get his share of the tips but near the end of L shift at 9 pm. I learned he does not get any tips because he is paid more than us. At the end of my shift (at 11pm), guess how much tips I got? $50.75!! Usually, I get $15 per six hours shift and $20-$25 per eight hours shift. 2 hours of tips for myself feels great! Whenever I see someone dropping their change at my tip bowl, I feel even more happier.

The next day, Bobby told me to work from 9 am to 5 pm instead of my usual 3-9 pm shift. I got $25 and the next day (Today), I got $25. Total tips for three days of work : $100. Yes! That money is going straight to my trip this summer. (Will talk about it on my future post)

By the way, I'm quitting my job in about two/three weeks. After three years of working at Tim Horton, I figure it's time to move on to something else and I'm going to miss this place a lot.

Hope the penny will bring me luck on Thursday test but I need to study hard.

3 Responses to “$100 tips in three days? Thank you lucky penny! ”

  1. Jerry Says:

    Obviously you were doing something right to have your service lead to the tips in the first place, so it wasn't ALL the lucky penny! Still, I hope it leads to some insurance of a great new job and a successful math test. Good luck...

  2. IamTina Says:

    I hope so too! Well the math test looked quite easy so I am positive I will pass.

  3. contrast link Says:

    I hope that every single reader would be satisfied with your essential report! Thanks for the published article!

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