Home > Temporary living in an apartment

Temporary living in an apartment

May 4th, 2010 at 08:24 pm

For the past five days, I've been living in my god brother's place to catch up on my studying. I seem to be doing different things all the times but I guess it's a way to keep myself sane.

My god brother left for Singapore last Saturday to see his parents for the summer and his roommate is living near her school till tomorrow to study for her final exam. It was a really nice experience to live by myself, I finally learn how to cook. I manage to only spend $35 for five days (Breakfast,lunch and dinner). I'm going to do grocery again tomorrow.

I guess I'm going to be staying there before I leave for my backpacking trip. My house has been getting a bit weird lately and I have two weeks left of school.

1 Responses to “Temporary living in an apartment ”

  1. Jerry Says:

    It can be nice to get a change of venue to lead to some peace and quiet while you study, so that was a good move. Sorry about the stress with parents. I am sure that you are going to have a great time on your backpacking trip, and I hope that you have some insurance that the last two weeks of school will be more relaxing while staying someplace else.

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