December 4th, 2010 at 03:50 am

I'm still alive and well. My life has gotten so much better after I've came back from my backpacking trip. During the two months of travelling alone, I learned so much about myself.
I'm in University now and I'm majoring in Administration and minor in Political Science. I started volunteering two months ago and it has been a life changing experience for me.
Family problems are a thing in the past because I decided not to care and concentrate on myself from now on.
I can't write as much as I'm used because I have finals to study for. I still do update on my blog almost daily... If you guys are interested, you're welcome to read my blog.
P.S: Do guys know how to make this picture smaller?
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May 4th, 2010 at 09:24 pm
For the past five days, I've been living in my god brother's place to catch up on my studying. I seem to be doing different things all the times but I guess it's a way to keep myself sane.
My god brother left for Singapore last Saturday to see his parents for the summer and his roommate is living near her school till tomorrow to study for her final exam. It was a really nice experience to live by myself, I finally learn how to cook. I manage to only spend $35 for five days (Breakfast,lunch and dinner). I'm going to do grocery again tomorrow.
I guess I'm going to be staying there before I leave for my backpacking trip. My house has been getting a bit weird lately and I have two weeks left of school.
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Food / Groceries,
May 1st, 2010 at 09:53 pm
A little update here...
In 17 days starting today, I'm backpacking in Asia for two months and a half. Three countries are on my list to visit: Japan, China and Mongolia.
After 12 years of talking and wishing about it, I'm going to realized this dream of mine which is to travel the world. I can tell you I'm a bit frighten at the idea of traveling alone (Yes, you hear it right, alone...). I figure if I want to travel somewhere, I wouldn't let anyone keep me from going; not having a travel partner to travel with is fine.
My family life has gotten worst lately, my parents wanted to open up a new and bigger grocery store near where I live to be able to compete with the bigger ones. Problem is, the rest of the family (Uncles and aunts) do not approve of that and they refused to invest in it; my parents decide to part ways with them. My dad made a loan at the bank and he mortgages our house. Now, they are having problems financing the new grocery store and our house, so they started asking my uncles to give them money/repay money back (I personally don't know the real reasons because my brother wasn't clear enough). My mom went to one of my uncle's house next door (Our uncles live next to us) and she created a chaotic scene by slamming the door and yelling on the phone. Then she went to the old grocery store to create a scene in front of the clients; threatening to ruin the business if she does not get the money.
Well this situation has a lot to do with my backpacking trip... I am going to be using the money I have been investing on my mutual funds (The travel funds) to go backpacking but my parents will make a fuss about it. Already, my mom is criticizing me on everything and practically anything she finds fault in. She also refuses to pay for my education and try to make my dad believes that I`m not even studying. If I`m going in this trip, they (my mom especially) will use more threats on me. This trip is important to me because it will set me on a different path, different from my parents anyways.
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April 30th, 2010 at 05:58 am
Life has been getting a bit hectic lately because exam week is coming. I'm also busy preparing for my backpacking trip to Asia on May 17th, 2010.
I've said it for years and I'm going to say it again, I'm traveling the world! After 12 years of dreaming and wishing, I'm finally going to achieve this dream of mine. This time, I'm going to Japan, China and Mongolia alone for the first time and I don't know anyone. I've taken the plane alone plenty of times before but I never visited a country by myself. As for the security, I'll reassure you guys that I will take extra precautions because I know I will have only myself to rely on and I read a lot of extra precautions and tricks to get out of uncomfortable situations. One of them is to not go out at night alone especially in China and Mongolia. Japan, I would have to use common senses.
Everything is almost ready: Flight ticket, visas, insurance, JR rail pass (21 days), backpack...
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April 18th, 2010 at 10:13 pm
On Thursday, I saw a penny face up on the floor at a department store. I told myself that I'm going to need luck for my math test next Thursday.
Then, my boss called me to work on Friday. I was going to work with L (coworker) and Bobby (the boss assistant), I thought the assistant will get his share of the tips but near the end of L shift at 9 pm. I learned he does not get any tips because he is paid more than us. At the end of my shift (at 11pm), guess how much tips I got? $50.75!! Usually, I get $15 per six hours shift and $20-$25 per eight hours shift. 2 hours of tips for myself feels great! Whenever I see someone dropping their change at my tip bowl, I feel even more happier.
The next day, Bobby told me to work from 9 am to 5 pm instead of my usual 3-9 pm shift. I got $25 and the next day (Today), I got $25. Total tips for three days of work : $100. Yes! That money is going straight to my trip this summer. (Will talk about it on my future post)
By the way, I'm quitting my job in about two/three weeks. After three years of working at Tim Horton, I figure it's time to move on to something else and I'm going to miss this place a lot.
Hope the penny will bring me luck on Thursday test but I need to study hard.
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April 7th, 2010 at 10:00 pm
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